
Was the Tricerotops a baker?

Q: On a recent Scout hike, a heated debate developed during our woodly wanderings. Proudly standing on one side was a 12 year old insisting that grass did not exist during the era of the dinosaurs, and didn' t appear until after the great meteorite that brought mass extinction. On the other were several boys and leaders insisting that common sense...
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Chapping in the CAPTCHAs

Q: Dear 100HB:How come on some web sites to leave comments I only have to leave one set of silly characters and then on others I have to type in TWO sets of characters the second of which are OH so very difficult to decipher?Yours Truly,Spam the ManA: Dear Slave to the Anti-Spam:Could the real slim shady please stand up? No? Well, okay how about you...
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Inquisitor of the Nauseating, Ghastly, Repulsive, Revolting so Called Candy

Q: Dear 100HB:Where do candy corns come from?Sincerely,Hal LoueneA: Dear Candy Cobbed Genesis:First created in the 1880s by George Renninger of the Wunderle Candy Company, the three colors of candy corn are meant to symbolize actual corn. George Renninger came up with the idea to celebrate the unique food from the Americas but mostly because he was...
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Let me think...minus 9 months means...

Q: Dear 100 Hour Board, You have been busy 100 board, and i will add to your work load... i have a birthday coming up and this got me wondering, what month has the most birthdays celebrated in? thank you wise one... Birthday Boy A: Dear Spank Receiver (for your birthday and unnatural habit of not capitalizing your i's), The 100 Hour Board...
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Bird On A Wire

Q: Is it true that birds will sit on a wire to keep their feet warm?Thanks,Avian FowlA: Dear H5N1:In answer to your question we went to Rocky Mountain Power company:100HB: "I was hoping you could tell me why birds sit on your powerlines. It has been suggested that it keeps their feet warm. Is this true?"RckPW: "I don't know. I've never heard of that....
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Whirling Johns

Q: Dear All-Wise-100-Hr-Board, I have heard (but have never traveled far enough to confirm) that when above the equator a toilet flushes in the opposite direction than from below the equator. Is this true? If so, what occurs when you are located AT the equator?   Sincerely, Flushed Away   A: Dear Swirly,   Who says they use...
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I Thought I Had An Idea

Q: dear 100 boardi apologize for my absence, but i need an answer and i know of only one place to get the truth..... ok board a light bulb burns out, are we still using energy if the light switch is on even though our bulb has seen its last?... i appreciate your time oh wise 100!!PatA: Oh Pat. Your absence is unexcused. The 100 Hour Board is aware...
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