
Q: Dear Abby:

I'm having a difficult time coming up with something to wear for Halloween. My wife and I want to go as a pair - something that works together, but just are not sure what would work. It's only a costume to walk around the neighborhood with, nothing fancy - but we want to have something flashy. Any ideas oh wise one?


More Tricked than Treated (A-Non)

A: Dear Spooked,
What a quandary. I can't say that I can exactly direct your tastes in Halloween atire - but perhaps I can offer some ideas. You take me as a fairly level headed bloke, and are not interested in something mundane like Salt and Pepper, Adam and Eve or the like. Though if you only wore fig leaves around the neighborhood that would definitely make a statement. "Shield the eyes of the kids honey - here come those neighbors!"

No, you need something a little more smarter than the average bear - or ghost for that matter. You suggest something flashy - but I'm afraid you refer to this:

May I offer you a few suggestions.

Ren and Stimpy - the perfect couple. And since you love little rat-sized dog-monsters, that would be a perfect selection. Although you fight it out deciding who is who.

Cheech and Chong - but again, is that sending the right message to your kids?

Gomez Alonzo and Morticia A. (nee Frump) Addams - I take you are both fairly pale. Just dye the hair you can go. Of course you may need to draw in the moustache

Eric Forman and Donna Pinciotti - You already got the redhead. And you are a skrawny, annoying teenage boy.
Trinity and Neo - but that takes a certain amount of coolness and flav to pull off, no not for you UofU boy

for a little more esoteric:

Liberty and Death - Watch out Patrick Henry! Do Lady Liberty and the Grim Reaper
Death and Taxes - The only thing that's sure in this life. (Grim Reaper and IRS agent)
Body and Soul - although I recommend your wife be the example of body - not you
Mary and Pierre Curie - you can use glow in the dark paints
AC / DC - the electrical currents - not the band. Of course that may mean you go as a plug and outlet - maybe too suggestive.

Finally I offer the best suggestions.

Austin Powers and Felicity Shagwell - Groovy baby! You didn't loose your mojo - you never had it. But that is definitely your bag, baby.

Captain Booty & Captain Blackheart - Yeah
The ideas are endless. Good luck - and stay out of trouble.


Idea Central


Adi on Sat Sep 29, 03:56:00 PM 2007 said...

uhhhh....im impressed with the forman idea, but i fear that most Utahns would not get most of them! sheltered lives....just kidding!

Old Optonline account on Sat Oct 06, 10:51:00 PM 2007 said...

Dear 100 Hour Board,

Can you tell me where Arby's got their name from? We were driving in the car the other day and Mom mentioned something about R.B.s, like short for Roast Beef. Can you shed some light on this very important topic???


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