
Let Us Think...

Q: Dear 100 Hour Board:
I usually stay away from things like this. I might read for entertainment purpose. But really, can one person know ALL! After days of struggling with this quandary, I am swinging the question your way. Let us test your knowledge, or at least if you Wonder 8 Ball is working. So here it goes: Oh Great 100 Hour Board, will the sister of one be able to attach the glitter to her appendage? Please try to come up with your answer within those 100 hours, time is an essence. Challenge yourself, try 99 hours.

A: Dear Interested in Short Cuts:

Ask Again Later.

Regards, Magic 8-Ball


Bro. Brandon B. on Mon Oct 29, 07:15:00 PM 2007 said...

They say there is more than one way to skin a cat, but how many ways are there to do said skinning? Furthermore, for what practical reasons would one be required to skin a cat?


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